We Handle It All

Take back your lawn and enjoy your outdoor living space without chemicals or poisons that can risk your family's health and safety. A single gopher can move over 2 1/2 tons of dirt per year.

Gophers can damage concrete sidewalks, landscaping and create safety issues for customers and tenants. Gophers have even destroyed roads and highways.

Gophers can cause extensive damage and revenue loss to farms and orchards. Their extensive tunnel system can sink trees and kill roots destroying plants and trees.
Gophers Can Do Extensive Damage To Homes And Property
Lawn Damage
Mounds of dirt are evidence of a gopher problem, but these piles of dirt only show the surface damage. The tunnels and holes they dig weaken the structure of your lawn and can cause cave-ins which can cause large surface holes. These unsightly holes can also become trip hazards and make mowing a challenge. Gophers eat the roots of grass while they dig and pull grass down through the soil. This can kill the lawn causing brown patches.
Trees & Landscaping
Gophers also feed on tree roots, bulbs and flowers as well as plant bedding. You might notice a flower here or there missing, then entire plants will disappear.
Safety Issue
The mound of dirt and sinkholes created by gophers create a safety hazard for your family and guests. The ground under the mounds is hollow and the unexpected drop when stepping in it can cause a sprain or break. Additionally, if a gopher is under the ground and near the mound, they may try to bite whoever’s foot is inside, presenting another potential health hazard.
Gophers can carry rabies, the plague, hantavirus and monkeypox. Monkeypox is one of the more common diseases found in gophers. The disease starts out with flu-like symptoms, such as body aches, extreme fatigue, and swollen lymph nodes. As it progresses, tiny pustules form on the skin. Gophers droppings and urine can also carry the LCMV virus (more information).